Sunday, March 25, 2007

Malaysia to host Islamic finance forum

Central bank governors from Islamic countries will attend Malaysia’s first international Islamic finance forum in Kuala Lumpur later this week.

The four-day Global Islamic Finance Forum is expected to attract about 800 regulatory authorities and industry players.

Malaysia’s Central Bank Negara, the event organizer, said it aims to highlight business opportunities as the country ramps up efforts to draw in foreign money with Muslim and Middle Eastern funds targeted in particular, AFP reported.

“The forum will provide an avenue for global investors, issuers and financial industry players to discuss investment and business opportunities in Asia,” Bank Negara said in a statement.

Islamic finance fuses principles of sharia or Islamic law in a modern banking system. This means funds are banned from being invested in companies associated with tobacco, alcohol or gambling, considered taboo by Muslims.

Malaysia has been promoting itself as a center for Islamic finance but faces rivalry from neighbors Singapore and Brunei.

As a predominantly Muslim nation, Malaysia has 10 fully-fledged Islamic banks, after establishing its first in 1983, while a series of conventional banks also offer Islamic financial services.

Malaysia also opened up the industry to foreign investors. Licenses have been awarded to Kuwait Finance House, Saudi Arabia’s Al Rajhi Bank, and the Asian Finance Bank, owned by a consortium led by Qatar Islamic Bank.

Meor Amri Meor Ayob, who rates Islamic financial instruments at Rating Agency Malaysia, said the conference will promote Malaysia to foreign bankers amid regional competition. “This will showcase Malaysia as a country with the capability, capacity and human resources to provide Islamic financial services,” he said.

Bank Negara has said the forum will also tackle contemporary issues relating to Islamic finance including regulatory standards which analysts say are crucial for development of the sector in Malaysia.

Senior economist at Malaysia’s Bank Islam, Azrul Azwar, said a major topic likely to be discussed would be differences between the interpretation of compliance with sharia law, which bans the earning of interest.

Countries in the Middle East have a more strict interpretation of sharia rules, compared to Southeast Asian nations.

Governors expected to attend include those from Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.


Ivo Cerckel said...

It is to be hoped that this First International Islamic Finance Forum will confer its right place to the Islamic Gold Dinar which was introduced by Malaysia and surfaced the other day (two weeks ago) in Kurdistan:
The gold proof 1000 Dinar features Saladin riding a horse carrying a Kurdish flag. It is struck in 22 Karat gold and contains just slighly under a half ounce of pure gold. Only 98 pieces were struck of this attractive gold coin.
Though Kurdistan has not achieved independence, that has not stopped it from issuing coins. It recently released new gold and silver coins dated 2006. The gold 100,000 Dinar pictures Saladin, the most famous Kurd. Saladin, foe of Richard the Lionheart and the Crusaders, was famous for his chivalry and justice. It is struck in 22 karat gold and contains a quarter ounce of pure gold. It has an authorized mintage of only 150 pieces! The silver 10,000 Dinar shows a Merlin (Falco columbarius). It contains 1/4 ounce of .999 fine silver and has an authorized mintage of only 1200 pieces. Both coins feature the Kurdistan arms on the reverse.

The euro also marks its gold reserves to market on a quarterly basis.

The pope was complaining this week-end that the Berlin festivities for the 50th anniversary of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, now the European Union, did not refer to God.
Pope Criticises EU for Excluding God

The German President of the birthday party, Angela Merkel, was complaining on Sunday that Europe as it is today is not capable of taking action

Ms. Merkel forgot that the euro’s success is, to the displeasure of the inhabitants of euroland, displaying to the world that euro is like the Islamic Gold Dinar, the currency which Eurasia needs to replace the dollar in international trade.

Canada’s The Globe and Mail reported indeed on Saturday that the dollar is going to collapse very soon.
(Dr. Doom is down on the U.S

A replacement for the dollar is therefore needed.

Perhaps, the time has come for the Islamic Gold Dinar and the gold euro to team up and thereby to display to the world what inter-faith dialogue is all about.

Ivo Cerckel de Siquijor