Saturday, March 17, 2007

Robex - Official gold resource calculations of the Nampala Prospect, Mininko Property, South Mali

Robex Resources Inc (TSX-V: RBX - News) announces that the Australian Group RSG Global Inc has been commissioned to carry out a gold resource calculation study, in accordance with Canadian National Instrument 43-101, over the Nampala prospect located in South Mali. In 2004, RSG Global carried out a preliminary resource calculation over the same Nampala prospect, for Golden Star Resources. That study was based on approximately 5,000 metres of drilling over the Nampala prospect. Since then, Robex has carried out three additional drilling programs on the prospect, for a total of approximately 15,000 additional metres. Robex’s news releases of July 20, 2005 and of October 24, 2005 reported, among others, results of:

- 159 m at 1.17 g/t Au, including 25 m at 2.63 g/t and 12 m at 3.47g/t;
- 73 m at 1.23 g/t Au;
- 24 m at 2.22 g/t Au;
- 10m at 4.14 g/t Au.

The present study will be initiated with the arrival of RSG Global’s resource calculation specialist in Mali on March 13, 2007. Robex should receive RSG Global’s final report by the end of April 2007.

2007 PDAC

From March 4 to 7, Robex participated in the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada’s 75th annual Convention in Toronto. Over 20,000 visitors attended this International Congress, which is the most important geological and mining Congress in the world. During these four days, Robex’s booth was visited, among others, by numerous mining analysts and geologists from Major mining companies, by significant financial analysts, by investors, and by current and potential Company shareholders. Robex’s geologist’s presentations, notably our own recent internal resource calculation, carried out over the Nampala prospect using 3-d computer images, brought strong interest from representatives of various mining companies. The significant interest and time spent at our booth by other geologists and mining company’s personnel attests to the significant mining potential of some of our Malian exploration properties.


Excavation works, including trenches and pits, together with soil-geochemical and geophysical surveys, are in progress over the the Wili-Wili properties located in West Mali, in preparation for the drilling program which will start in about mid-April 2007. A bulldozer is currently preparing the access to the Fandou drilling prospect, located in the central part of the property.

Robex Resources Inc TSX-V: RBX is a Canadian mining exploration and development company focusing on Mali, West Africa. Mali is currently the 4th most important gold producing country in Africa. Robex’ permanent exploration office is located in Mali, and is operated by senior geologists with an extensive experience in West African mining exploration. The team works on projects the Company already owns and is always on the lookout for new projects with favourable geology and a high potential for the discovery of world-class gold deposits. This permanent presence in Mali has allowed Robex to become one of the most active exploration and development companies in West Africa. In 2005, Robex was the third most important mining company operating in Mali in terms of investment in exploration.

This Press Release and the within disclosure have been reviewed by Richard Savard, Geologist, President and CEO of Robex Resources Inc. and a Qualified Person in accordance with NI 43-101.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy
or accuracy of this release.


Richard Savard, Geologist, President and CEO

For further information

Richard Savard, President and CEO, Montreal, (514) 620-0850,
M-C Poitras, Director Communications, Quebec, (418) 870-1482,
J. Stewart Robertson, Director Business and Development, Trenton, (613) 392-2646,

Source: Robex Resources Inc.