Tuesday, March 20, 2007

West Timmins Mining Adds Second Drill on Montana De Oro Project, Mexico; Announces New Copper Discovery

West Timmins Mining Inc. (TSX:WTM - News) announced today that it has added a second drill to accelerate testing of priority targets on its Montana de Oro Project in Sonora, Mexico. The Company also announced that it has discovered a new zone of copper mineralization on the Project, and significantly expanded the Montana de Oro Project area, as a result of its ongoing exploration activities.

Since acquiring the core of the Montana de Oro Project, formerly part of the Mexican National Mineral Reserve, in 2004 West Timmins’ systematic exploration program has identified 8 new zones of precious and base metal mineralization. In total 20 zones of gold-silver and base metal mineralization are currently known within the Project area.

Second Drill Added - Drilling Resumes on High Grade El Rodeo Gold Zone

The Company announced that is has added a second diamond drill rig to accelerate drilling testing of priority targets on the Montana de Oro Project. In total West Timmins has now contracted 12,000 metres of diamond drilling for the Project and expects to have two drills turning there for at least the next two to three months.

The second diamond drill will immediately begin follow-up drill testing down-dip and along strike from the high grade El Rodeo Gold Zone where the discovery hole returned 4.80 metres grading 9.58 g/t gold and 121.77 g/t silver (see NR06-12, December 6, 2006).

The El Rodeo Zone has been intersected in recently completed drilling for over 700 metres along strike and the prominent airborne magnetic anomaly related to the Zone can be traced for over 5.0 kilometres through the central portion of the Project area. The current drill program will test the El Rodeo Zone both along strike from the discovery area and will target several areas along the mineralized trend where it is intersected by prominent northwest-trending structures in order to evaluate the grade-thickness controls on the system.

The first drill is currently testing a number of targets associated with the large La Concepcion gold-copper system in the south-west portion of the Project area.

BA Copper Discovery Averages 1.49% Copper

Ongoing prospecting and mapping of the Montana de Oro Project has identified a number of new copper (+/- gold, silver) occurrences believed to be part of second large porphyry copper system within the Project holdings. Eleven grab and chip samples from initial prospecting of the new BA discovery range from 0.06 to 3.30% copper and average 1.49% copper. Copper mineralization from the BA discovery is associated with anomalous gold (less than 5 ppb to 0.85 g/t) and silver (1.48 to 72.20 g/t) mineralization. One 4 metre continuous chip sample from the BA discovery returned 1.64% copper, 0.08 g/t gold and 6.41 g/t silver.

Mineralized samples were collected from both disseminated and vein zones hosted by a large, multiphase intrusion during the ongoing Project wide stream sediment sampling and prospecting program. The BA discovery appears to be associated with the same north-northwest directed regional scale fault system as the La Concepcion gold-copper system currently being drill tested by West Timmins 8.20 km to the south-southeast. Follow-up mapping and sampling in the BA area is currently underway.

Montana de Oro Project Area Expanded

Based on the discovery of the new BA Copper Zone, the results of the recently completed airborne geophysical survey of the Project and ongoing regional mapping/prospecting activities West Timmins Mining has significantly expanded the Montana de Oro Project area. Two new claim applications have extended the Montana de Oro Project holdings to 495 square kilometres (49,542 hectares). The northern boundary of the Montana de Oro project is now 15 km south of Palmarejo Silver and Gold’s Palmarejo-Trogan Project, which is nearing production. Initial geological and geochemical evaluation of the newly acquired holdings has commenced with 4 crews conducting stream sediment, prospecting and mapping throughout the expanded Project area.

Quality Control and Assurance

Geochemical results reported from the Montana de Oro Project are from grab samples collected from mineralized outcrops on the Company’s Montana de Oro project. Field samples are sealed on site in the field by trained personnel and to ALS-Chemex’s preparation facilities in Hermosillo, Mexico by employees of consulting firm Minera Cascabel S.A. de C. V. on behalf of West Timmins Mining. Samples were assayed for gold by standard fire assay-ICP finish with a 30 gram charge. Samples additionally underwent 34 element ICP-MS analysis. For quality control purposes blank, duplicate and analytical control standards were inserted into the sample sequence at irregular intervals and no significant discrepancies are reported. Mr. Darin Wagner (M.Sc., P.Geo), the Company’s President, has acted as qualified person for this news release.

About West Timmins Mining Inc (www.westtimminsmining.com):

West Timmins Mining Inc. is focused on exploring and developing district scale gold projects in North America. West Timmins Mining is the largest land holder in the West Timmins district, adjacent to the 70 million ounce Timmins Gold Camp in Ontario, Canada. The Company is currently in the midst of a 10,000 metre diamond drilling program on its West Timmins Gold Project. West Timmins Mining Inc. is also active in the Sierra Madre gold belt in Mexico, home to the Company’s Montana de Oro and Yoquivo projects. Drill testing is on-going on the Montana de Oro project and where a second drill has recently been added to accelerate testing of the of the El Rodeo, La Concepcion and FR gold zones and other high priority targets. West Timmins is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol WTM.

On behalf of the Board of West Timmins Mining Inc.

Darin W. Wagner, President and Chief Executive Officer

For further detail on West Timmins Mining Inc. please refer to prior disclosure at www.SEDAR.com.

The securities described in this press release have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or under any U.S. state securities laws, and such securities may not be offered or sold in the United States absent an exemption from such registration requirements.

This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable under Canadian and U.S. securities regulation, including statements regarding the future activities of the Company. Forward looking statements reflect the current beliefs and expectations of management and are identified by the use of words including “will”, “expected to”, “plans” and other similar words. Actual results may differ significantly. The achievement of the results expressed in forward looking statements is subject to a number of risks, including those described in the company’s annual information form as filed with the Canadian securities regulators which are available at www.sedar.com. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon forward looking statements.

The TSX has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or adequacy of this news release, which has been prepared by management.


Darin W. Wagner
West Timmins Mining Inc.
President & CEO
(604) 685-8311 or Toll Free: 1-866 685-8311

Elaine Einarson
West Timmins Mining Inc.
Corporate Development and Investor Relations
(604) 685-8311 or Toll Free: 1-866-685-8311
Website: www.westtimminsmining.com

Source: West Timmins Mining Inc.