Tuesday, April 10, 2007

About 60% of regional schools have Internet connection, says Sverdlovsk Region Minister for Education

Acting Head of Sverdlovsk Region Government Galina Kovaleva chaired a cabinet meeting on April 9, 2007 where the Minister for General and Vocational Education Valeriy Nesterov presented his report on the state of education system in the region. He said the National Education Project had been implemented quite successfully in 2006, with 2.6 billion RUR allotted for the project from the regional budget and 18.8 billion RUR invested in education additionally.

About 60% of regional schools have an Internet connection, with 465 more of them expected to get access to the Web this year.
The ministers commented on the report, suggesting a number of improvements related to introducing more places available at kindergartens and social rehabilitation and employment of children returning from penitentiary establishments.