Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dow takes no action on Murdoch $5B bid

The Dow Jones & Co. board Wednesday took no action on Rupert Murdoch`s $5 billion offer, the U.S. financial publishing company said.

In a statement after a board meeting, the board said it had confirmed that roughly 80 percent of the controlling Bancroft family`s voting power opposed the $60-a-share offer, representing about 52 percent of the full company`s voting power.

The family`s rejection will likely upset Dow Jones`s non-family shareholders, many of whom are pressing for a sale, Dow Jones`s Wall Street Journal reported.

The newspaper said the Bancroft family`s controlling margin is thin and the family is large and far-flung. Further, family members did not know they would be under pressure to express a preference on the offer until Tuesday when the CNBC cable network broke the news.

A defection by a relatively small number of family members could swing the vote the other way, the newspaper said.

And board delays could help Murdoch to negotiate with individual family trustees, it said.

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